Shop Around the Corner: Rotofugi is an eclectic blend of Japanese pop culture and American toy store

2780 N. Lincoln Ave
By Zak Buczinsky
Rotofugi is something that falls between a toy store and an art gallery. Fusing Japanese pop culture with an American toy store, this strange and vintage building is like a Toy-R-Us from Wonderland. At the front of the store stands rows of peculiar figurines, with everything from psychedelic-looking rabbits and top-hat sporting dragons to anarchistic mice and 3D-printed busts.
With sculptures of bobble-headed medieval doctors and an eclectic wall of day-glow cartoon characters, the absurdity of the art matches the madness of the toys.
On one table is a collection of magazines, some of which defy any sort of categorization, such as a booklet the size of a big toe that depicts the adventures of an equal-parts-obscene-and-cute character named “Crotch.”
The near warehouse of a shop ends in a comfortable room that is a true art gallery. With sculptures of bobble-headed medieval doctors and an eclectic wall of day-glow cartoon characters, the absurdity of the art matches the madness of the toys.
Besides the wild items for sale, Rotofugi also specializes in creating custom toys, just in case their toys aren’t bizarre enough. Located at the crossroads between Lincoln, Racine and Diversey in Lincoln Park, this otherworldly store is perfect for collectors, gift shopping or just someone who is looking for a little wacky entertainment.